Monday, August 16, 2010

The Facts on Printed Paper

Now that the Leopold's business went green and paperless he lacked the confidence he once had. He wondered if SKYPE made his face look fat.

Approximately 2.8 pages of office paper are printed world wide!
The Good News: Nearly 4 times that amount are being confined to a computer screen. Great new for trees but I think we can do better!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

"High maintenance doesn't even begin to cover it." Arnell muttered to herself. She was determined to look fabulous no matter what the cost!
"One of the best things we can do to make buildings "sustainable" is to make them last a long time. One of the best things we can do to make them last a long time is to make them beautiful" ~ Robert Bolman

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Organic Success

Lana looked for more ways to elevate her mind
 above the dark swirling cerebral cloud,
"Hmmm, I wonder what's on the SP Network?" She pondered.
The SP Network discusses success in it's most organic form. Packed with information, I am just glued to it! All natural adhesive, that is.
This is great for anyone looking or wanting to stay motivated in positive thinking!
All online...we don't use up gas or waste paper. Love it!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Treasures 4 Teachers

Getting Messy with Ms. Jessi: Treasures 4 Teachers

This is a very inspirational story about individuals that really care about kids and teachers having the right tools to learn! It just shows how recycling and donation really benefits others! Thanks Ms. Jessi for this inspiring article!