Friday, July 30, 2010

Instant Spot Removing for the Clueless

Ruprick's mind went blank. He was clueless what to do 
about that Hawaiian Tikki Punch Stain he left on Vita's rug.
"If I ignore it maybe it well go away." Ruprick considered.

Unsightly spills soiling your rugs and carpets? Don't buy expensive chemicals, the answer is right there in your kitchen cabinet. Whenever a spill happens simply pour a healthy dousing of table salt over the spill. Salt is a natural disinfectant and will pull up that spill right before your eyes! Let is set for at least 24 hours or until the salt is dry and vacuum it up! TA-DA! No stain!


Theresa Milstein said...

I'll have to try this.

I had heard salt pulls out "impurities" on skin. I've put sea salt in breakouts, and it works like magic. (Most of the time.)

Barbra The Bloggess said...

True, it's the same for bug bites. By soaking a cloth in hot salt water and placing it over the bite.

Theresa Milstein said...

I never heard of that! I'll have to try it.

Barbra The Bloggess said...

There are so many uses for salt, it's almost unbelievable!

YHOSIE said...

thank you for sharing ...
i'll try this ...

XoXo ..