Friday, September 3, 2010

Make Your Own Air Freshener

 The smell of fresh lemons made Rita swoon.

Air fresheners can be pricey as well as leaving us with those unwanted chemicals in the air. We are never quite sure what we are breathing these days are we?

How to Make My Own Air Freshener:
*2 cups hot water
*1/8 cup baking soda (baking soda is great for removing odors)
*1/2 cup lemon juice (bottled lemon juice works fine as well)

Dissolve your baking soda completely in the hot water. Then add your lemon juice. Pour the lemon juice slowly because you will get a fizzing reaction. Put your mixture into a spray bottle and get to smelling fresh! Just a side note, we recommend using it for only a week or so. Remember, it has no preservatives.


Theresa Milstein said...

This is a great idea! This would be so nice in the summer. If we get a few more warm days, I'm going to try it. Have you ever tried it with any other scents?

Barbra The Bloggess said...

Hi Theresa, I haven't. I like this one so much I never really thought of it.
I'll look into it.